How to Choose the Best Lunchbox Wraps for Your Kids! 

How to Choose Lunchbox Wraps for Your Kids 

Wraps are a go-to for quick, easy meals — perfect for everything from lunchbox snacks to family dinners.

But be cautious: many store-bought options are packed with additives and unhealthy ingredients that aren’t suitable for everyday consumption, especially for kids. Selecting the right wrap can significantly impact your family’s nutrition. Let’s explore what to look for in a truly healthy wrap that will support your child’s daily diet and overall well-being.


Wholegrain wraps are the best choice for your family because they contain more nutrients and fiber than refined varieties. Fiber is essential for healthy digestion and can help keep kids full and satisfied for longer. When looking at the ingredient list, make sure the first ingredient is a wholegrain, such as whole wheat, whole spelt, or whole oat flour.

Tip: Beware of wraps labelled as “multigrain”—this doesn’t necessarily mean they are wholegrain. Always check the ingredient list to ensure it’s a wholegrain product.

2. Check for a Short Ingredient List

A good-quality wrap should have a simple ingredient list, with easily recognisable names like whole grain flour, water, salt, and oil. Avoid wraps with a long list of ingredients with hard-to-pronounce chemical names. These are often preservatives and additives that your family doesn’t need.

3. Avoid Additives, Especially Propionates and Sorbates

Many store-bought wraps contain preservatives like propionates and sorbates to extend shelf life and prevent mould growth. While these additives might sound harmless, they can disrupt gut health and may even lead to behavioural issues in sensitive individuals, especially children. Propionates, such as calcium propionate (282) and sodium propionate (281), are commonly used, as are sorbates like potassium sorbate (202).

Tip: If you’re concerned about mould, place your wraps in the fridge or freeze them. High-quality wraps are not designed to last for 10 days. Typically, they should only keep for about 2-3 days in the pantry and 7 days in the fridge. This is a good indicator that they don’t contain any artificial preservatives or ingredients that don’t belong in your family’s food.

4. Choose Wraps Free from Added Sugar and Low in Sodium

Some wraps sneak in sugar to improve taste and texture, which is completely unnecessary and can contribute to a range of health issues. Check the label for hidden sugars listed as “dextrose,” “maltose,” or “fructose.” Aim for wraps that have 1.5 grams of sugar or less per serving.

Aside from sugar, sodium is another sneaky ingredient that can be high in wraps. While some salt is needed for flavor, too much can contribute to high blood pressure and other health issues, especially in kids. Choose wraps that have no more than 300 mg of sodium per serving.

5. Avoid these Marketing Claims

When choosing wraps, avoid falling for misleading marketing claims. Here are a few to be cautious of:

  • “Low Carb”: While low-carb options can be useful for some, they often have less fiber and nutrients because they use refined flours and fillers.

  • “High Protein”: Wraps labeled as high-protein often include isolated proteins or other additives that are not necessarily beneficial.

  • “Sugar-Free”: This can be a red flag as it often means the wrap contains artificial sweeteners, which can disrupt gut health and are best avoided.

  • Health Star Rating: This system can be misleading, as it doesn’t always reflect the true health value of a product. Focus on the ingredient list instead

Three Ways to Enjoy Wraps

  1. Leftover Chicken Lunch Wraps: Use leftover roast chicken and add good-quality mayo, shredded lettuce, sliced tomatoes, and Spanish onion. Mix it all, layer it on a wholegrain wrap, and add sliced avocado. Roll it up tightly and slice it in half. Perfect for lunchboxes!

  2. Breakfast Wraps: Scramble some eggs with chopped bell peppers, onions, and a handful of spinach. Add the mixture to a warm wrap, sprinkle with a little cheese, and fold. A protein-packed breakfast to start the day.

  3. Pizza Wraps: Spread tomato paste or pesto over a wrap, add sliced tomatoes, olives, and your favorite veggies, then top with a small amount of cheese. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted. A quick and healthier alternative to pizza!

My Family’s Favourite Wraps

  • Meb Foods Khobz Wholemeal Pita

  • Mountain Bread Wraps

  • Healthybake Khorasan Wraps

Do you want to discover more of my favourite wrap recommendations from Coles, Woolworths, and Aldi? Don’t miss my upcoming webinar, Smart Shopping with Mandy: Cut Through the Marketing Hype!

Join me to discover my top picks, and get exclusive tips to navigate the supermarket like a pro. Plus, every participant will receive a comprehensive shopping guide with my top picks to make your next trip a breeze. Sign up now and start making smarter choices for your family! Places are limited.

For more information on how to choose wholefood snacks for your family and my favourite food brands, head to my Instagram page.

Connect with Mandy on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.




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