
There is often confusion and conflicting advice when it comes to feeding children. That's why I am passionate about sharing nutrition articles based on up-to-date scientific evidence and research that sifts through all the nutrition and marketing hype.

On my blog page, you will find information on how to feed fussy eaters, transition to solids, build gut health and discover plenty of shopping tips to make informed decisions at the store. As a paediatric nutritionist and mum of two, I've seen first-hand and experienced how small changes in diet, mindset and lifestyle can make a HUGE difference. So come on this journey with me, and together we can start to shape the future health of our children. 

Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

Ditch the Sugary Breakfast Cereals: Nutritious Chocolate Breakfasts Your Kids Will Love!

If you caught my recent Instagram reel, you already know that Milo cereal isn't the nutritious breakfast option it's marketed to be. By swapping Milo for nutritious, wholefood chocolate alternatives, your child could consume up to 20 fewer teaspoons of sugar weekly - that’s over 80 teaspoons less per month! That's before your child even heads out the door. Read on to find out what I recommend instead.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

10 Ways to Reduce Sugary and Additive-Filled Drinks for Kids

What's lurking in your children’s drinks? Take a moment to examine the label on your favourite cordial, soft drink or juice box. You might be shocked by what you find. Many popular children's drinks contain ingredients that have no place in a growing body. As parents, we're constantly bombarded with sugary drink options for our children, from cordials and soft drinks to juice boxes with artificial colours and preservatives.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Muesli Bars: High Protein, Low Sugar, Real Ingredients

Muesli bars have become a pantry staple for busy professionals, active families, and anyone seeking a convenient energy boost throughout the day. They're portable, satisfying, and promise to deliver a healthy mix of protein, fibre, and nutrients.But walk down any supermarket aisle, and you'll face an overwhelming wall of options, each claiming to be the healthiest choice. "High protein," "all-natural," and "no artificial ingredients" – these buzzwords sound promising, but the reality behind the packaging often tells a different story.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

Cracker Choices for Kids: How to Pick the Best + My Top Picks from Aldi, Woolworths & Coles!

Crackers are a popular go-to snack for many families. They’re convenient, tasty, and perfect for lunchboxes or a quick afternoon bite. But with so many options on the shelves, choosing the healthiest crackers for your child can feel overwhelming. While packaging might boast claims like "organic,”, "wholegrain," or "no added sugar," these labels can often be misleading. That’s why understanding what to look for on the ingredients list can make all the difference.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

High-Protein Yoghurts Exposed: My Real Food Ratings Guide to Making Informed Choices for Your Family!

Parents, we need to talk about high-protein yogurts! As a paediatric nutritionist, I'm constantly asked about these trendy products filling our supermarket shelves. Are they really necessary? Are they healthy? And most importantly – should we be sharing them with our kids? Read on to find out why kids need to avoid them and my Real Food Ratings on some of our most popular supermarket choices.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

Chocolate Milk Exposed: My Real Food Ratings of Popular Picks & Healthier Alternatives!

Parents, we need to talk about chocolate milk! As a paediatric nutritionist, one of the most common questions I get is: Is chocolate milk really that bad? And if so, are there any better options? Today, I’m breaking down Australia’s most popular chocolate milk drinks using my Real Food Rating System, and what I found might shock you! Read on to find out more.

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Fussy Eating, Shopping Mandy Sacher Fussy Eating, Shopping Mandy Sacher

7- Step Guide to Packing the Perfect Lunchbox for Back-to-School!

Packing the perfect lunchbox for your child can feel like a daunting task, especially for busy parents striving to provide nutritious and appealing meals. However, with a bit of planning and creativity, you can assemble lunches that are both healthy and enticing for your little ones. Here's a comprehensive 7-Step Guide to help you navigate the process:

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Fussy Eating Mandy Sacher Fussy Eating Mandy Sacher

The Top 3 Strategies to Overcome Fussy Eating: Desensitization, Repetition, and Family Meals

Fussy eating can turn mealtimes into a source of stress and frustration for parents. But here’s the good news: with the right strategies, you can help your child develop a positive and lasting relationship with food. In this blog, I’m sharing a sneak peek into the tools I teach in my fussy eating workshops, which have transformed mealtimes for countless families I work with.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

Why Artificial Food Dyes Should Not be Hidden in Our Everyday Foods!

Artificial food dyes have no place in our pantry staples, especially in foods marketed to children. These synthetic additives, used to make processed foods look more appealing, come with a hidden cost to our health. Studies have repeatedly shown that artificial colours are linked to behavioural issues, hyperactivity, allergic reactions, and disruptions to gut health — risks no parent wants to take.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

The Truth About Spinach Wraps: Don’t Fall for the Greenwashed Hype!

Wraps are a convenient and versatile meal option for families — from lunchbox snacks to quick dinners. But not all wraps are created equal. While some wraps are marketed as “healthy” choices, many store-bought varieties are packed with additives, preservatives, and refined ingredients that aren’t suitable for your family’s everyday nutrition. In fact, selecting the right wrap can have a significant impact on your family's diet

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

Orange Juice Exposed: Rating The Best and Worst Supermarket Orange Juices!

As parents, we’re often told that fruit juice is a healthy choice for children because it’s made from fruit. While it might seem like an easy way to boost their fruit intake, the reality is that not all supermarket options live up to the claims. Many orange juices on Australian shelves are filled with added sugars, preservatives, and even flavourings and colours, making them far from the natural, nutrient-rich beverage they’re often portrayed as. Read more to discover my best and worst brands.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

Kids and Protein Powders: What Every Parent Needs to Know

As a paediatric nutritionist, I’m often asked whether protein powders are a good idea for kids. With so many options on the market and clever marketing claiming to support growth, development, and active lifestyles, it’s easy for parents to feel overwhelmed. However, not all protein powders are created equal, and some may do more harm than good. So let’s cut through the confusion and talk about what to avoid, what to look for, and which protein powders I recommend for children.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

Healthy Snack or Sugar Overload: Navigating Dried Fruit for Kids

As a wholefood nutritionist, one of the most common questions I get from parents is about dried fruit. Dried fruit can seem like a quick, healthy snack option—it’s sweet, convenient, and often comes in kid-friendly packaging. But like many foods, the story is a little more complex. Let's explore the benefits, concerns, practical tips and my top picks for including dried fruit wisely in our children’s diet.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

5 Tips to Avoid Deceptive Marketing Tactics Making Your Kids Crave Junk Food

Today’s food marketing is everywhere, targeting even our youngest kids with bright packaging, social media influencers, games, and their favourite cartoon characters. For Aussie parents dedicated to raising healthy eaters, it’s overwhelming to sift through “kid-friendly” foods that are often ultra-processed and packed with sugar, salt, and artificial additives. Here are 5 Top Tips to avoid deceptive marketing tricks.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

Summer Cool Downs: Rating Your Kids' Favourite Frozen Popsicles

As the summer sun heats up, kids all around Australia are reaching for their favourite ice blocks to cool down. But while these colourful treats might look refreshing, not all ice blocks are created equal. Some are packed with artificial colours, flavours, and additives that could impact your child’s health and behaviour. In this guide, I’ll be using my Real Food Rating System to rate popular brands based on their ingredients and nutritional quality.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

Toxic Treats in Disguise: How Zooper Doopers Earned a 3-Star Health Rating Despite Cancer Concerns.

As a leading paediatric nutritionist and mother of two, I am outraged by the blatant flaws in Australia's Health Star Rating system. How is it possible that a product like Zooper Dooper, which contains an ingredient banned in the US for its links to cancer, can still earn a 3-star rating? Though well-meaning, the Health Star Rating system is inadvertently leading parents down a deceptive path when it comes to nutrition.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

Why Parents Can’t Trust Products with the Health Star Rating - and What To Choose Instead!

Navigating the overwhelming world of children's food products can be daunting for parents. Supermarkets are packed with brightly coloured boxes, clever marketing, and labels designed to give us peace of mind. Yet, despite our best efforts to choose healthy options for our kids, many of the products that seem trustworthy and nutritious are anything but. One of the biggest culprits? The Health Star Rating.

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Shopping Mandy Sacher Shopping Mandy Sacher

Peanut Butter: Why Kids Love It & What to Watch Out For!

Peanut butter is a staple in many households, especially for families with young children. It's creamy, delicious, and versatile—perfect for sandwiches, smoothies, and even straight off the spoon! But as parents, it's essential to know exactly what's in that jar and how to choose the healthiest options for your little ones.

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