Top Tips for Healthy Snacking!

Healthy snacks for kids

I often get asked by my clients and at workshops how to encourage healthy after-school or childcare snacking. It's an ongoing challenge for many families.

Children often arrive home from school or activities absolutely famished. Because parents (like me) are so busy, we don't always have something fresh on hand… meaning that convenience food is often the most manageable solution. Unfortunately, the problem is that packaged convenience snacks usually contain little nutritional value, are low in fibre, high in sugar and loaded with hidden nasties. If you have been following me on Instagram, you'll know that this is something I am passionate about changing. But for now, we are stuck with this reality.

The good news is that there are healthy options around. We just need to know how to find them. And we have the most influence and control over the food our kids eat in the home, so ensuring our fridge and pantry options are as nutritionally sound as possible goes a long way towards healthy after-school snacking.

I know this may sound daunting, but implementing a few simple swaps, some basic planning and a slight reorganisation of your pantry could significantly boost your children's and family's overall nutrition. This is more achievable than many busy parents realise. Remember, as with everything relating to "family nutrition",- my best advice is to embrace change gradually and to celebrate every positive step. Consistency and perseverance are the keys to success.


5 Steps To Overhaul Your Kids' Snacks

1. Learn to read and understand product labels

Our pantries are often filled with items high in sugar and salt and full of preservatives and additives that are cleverly disguised under long and confusing names. If we can identify these ingredients, then we are empowered to make healthier choices ( which do exist if we know what we're looking for). A basic understanding of how to read and understand the ingredient labels on food packaging is essential in arming ourselves with the purchasing power and nutritional knowledge needed when at the supermarket or shopping online for groceries

2. Resist the temptation to stock "single serve" kiddie-decorated packaged snacks. These are often loaded with hidden nasties (more so than the adult versions). They're also less environmentally friendly and teach our children to always expect snacks to arrive in bright and sparkly packaging, leaving natural and whole food options appearing dull.

3. Simple family favourite swaps.

Swapping out high-sugar spreads with nutritious homemade options, choosing a peanut butter with no added sugar or vegetable oils, substituting commercial tomato sauce for easy and simple homemade options that are lower in sodium and sugar, or swapping over from standard lollies to all-natural ones that are preservative-free, are all examples of small changes that make significant headway on our journeys towards better family nutrition.

4. Replace processed white bread and crackers with high-quality whole grain or sourdough options.

This swap can significantly affect a household's overall nutritional intake. Eating good quality bread or choosing healthier wholegrain crackers is, in fact, one of the most beneficial and valuable changes that can be made to improve your family's nutritional health. Wholegrains have more vitamins, minerals and gut-healthy fibre – so don't delay. Make this swap today!

5. Repositioning items.

Assess which are the first items your child sees when opening the pantry. Generally, what the eye sees the tummy wants (just like most adults!) – so a simple and helpful strategy could be to move the lesser nutritious options to higher shelves or pack them away in sealed plastic containers. Keeping healthier snacks at lower, more accessible levels can improve snack choices. My advice, cut up veggies and place them in plain view. An easy option with a dip for hungry tummies.


My Top 10 Healthy Snacks for Kids

  1. Goat's cheese or hummus dip and veggie sticks

  2. Lightly salted popcorn or plain popcorn

  3. Seaweed snacks (use them as wraps for a fun alternative)

  4. Wholegrain crackers and cheese

  5. Sourdough toast with a boiled egg

  6. Pinwheels with hummus and avocado

  7. Brown rice cakes with almond butter

  8. Frozen banana dipped in dark chocolate and drizzled with tahini

  9. Easy Bliss balls (dates, almonds, and coconut oil)

  10. Natural yoghurt and mixed berries (Another option:  puree together and freeze into popsicles)





My 6-Step Guide for Choosing the Best Yoghurt for Your Family!


5 Ingredients to Avoid in Plant-Based Milks.